
Showing posts from February, 2022


YouTube snapshot, at 10:57 PM... on 4/5/23... I did a YouTube search of my name, and these were the results... ...if my middle brother, JJ, did this... he may be concerned about his status quo (assuming, he is impressionable) 11:54 AM (4/7/23):  "As of today, I am reluctant to use dating apps any further... given that I had no luck on the site Bumble, prior to using RolUp (as seen below)... In totality, I have wasted $57.54 on subscriptions for the apps ($21.31 on Bumble, and $36.23 on RolUp)... To make matters worse, each time I purchased a subscription... both apps resulted in an excess, duplicate charge... prior to me contacting customer service, to get reimbursed..." - Michael Izuchukwu NOTE #1: I would say these occasions have been a 'learning experience,' however... NOTE #2: Probably best to meet people 'in-person,' at public gatherings/events... CONVERSATION: RolUp app - chat with Bailey (4/6/23) - snapshot 1 of 17 RolUp app - chat with Bailey (4/6/23)